Success From Startup Stumbles: A Talk by Teris Pantazes

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Watch this video from Washington College featuring Teris Pantazes discussing success after some problems faced in startups. He discussed about different perception of failure and success and how it affects how you face stumbles. Watch the video below for more details about his discussion. For more startup videos, visit, the official website of Serzfus Startup Technology today. Serzfus Startup Technology (Serzfus) is a website dedicated in providing comprehensive...

Will You Drop Out from College For Business Startups or Continue It?

Monday, March 16, 2015

With the startups popularity all over the world, a lot of college students with "great ideas" are thinking that they quit their schooling and start executing them by getting it into business startups and be successful. They were inspired by successful stories by Bill Gates of Microsoft, Steve Jobs of Apple, Michael Dell of Dell, Evan Williams of Twitter, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Larry Ellison of Oracle, Jan Koum of WhatsApp, Travis Kalanick of Uber, and John Mackey of Whole Foods. These...

Cool Tips on Starting a Startup Idea

Friday, February 20, 2015

A successful startup always begin with a great idea, a small idea that targets a small yet specific market with a big room for expansion. Such idea should be executed and turn into product in a perfect timing. Execution is always start with an idea and the following are tips on how to find a great startup idea based on Serzfus Startup Technology and Finding idea might be  complicated, and here are few things you can do to get the creative juices flowing. Set aside...

Popular TV Shows for College Students Worldwide

Thursday, May 16, 2013

If I will check on the statistics of surfers all over the world, tons of them will be coming college students who have access of the net at their school and at home. This is the reason why they are one of the number one users on the web who love to search and watch TV shows online. Now the following are lists of what I think college students would love to watch online from their school, and home through their desktop PCs or laptop via Wifi or local network. The Vampire Diaries - Of course,...

How to Select a Conference Venue Wisely

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

In making choices about the conference venue that you will select, you have to be very wise so that all your preparations will not just be put to waste. You need to consider a lot of things such as the target audience or the number of participants that you will have, the type of event that you will conduct and the readiness of the venue that you will choose. Through this article, we will help you wisely select a conference venue. There is a growing number of choices when you are looking...

Hiring a Professional Event Planner for a Successful Event

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Being professional means being formal in many ways. It means your every move is being watched upon and it must adhere with the standards. Each of us has his or her own talent. Each of us has this exceptional forte but do you have the ability to organize an event for your office and company? If not, then what you need to do is to hire a professional event and conference organizer. Coordinating for a social gathering or a professional event is a very hard task. This could also mean that you need to...

The Event Manager’s Budget Responsibilities

Friday, July 27, 2012

Part of planning an event is the computation of the estimated budget that you will spend for the preparation of the entire event. This is a very crucial stage because it is very hard for an event to be made possible if you don’t have enough budget to suffice all your needs before the event happens. The success of the event also depends on the budget and it is the responsibility of the event manager to plot the budget. This is referred to as the event manager’s budget responsibilities. An...