Do’s and Don’ts in a College Interview

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The stressful college interview really gets into the nerve of every student because they consider this as one of their college admission requirements. Meaning, it contributes a lot for you to get into the college of your choice. You only have one chance to make a good impression to the college admission counselors or the college admission assistance so make the most out of it. So to help you easily get through the college interview, then you must remember the do’s and don’ts in a college interview....

Fighting Away Stress Regarding College Admission Requirements

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The college admission process gets more tougher and tougher each year so do not be so sure that you can easily find a college that could accept you without second thought because you still need to pass their college admission requirements before you can attend to a particular college or university. By the end of every school year, you can already see the senior students panicking in writing their college application essay, preparing for their other college admission requirements and generally worrying...

College Tips: Working Your Way Through College Admissions

Entering a college or university is not as easy as paying your tuition and just sit on a class then make your grades and then graduate and get your diploma. At the very beginning of a college admission, you should really go through a major competition. With hundreds of college applicants going through the college application process all at the same time, can you now say to yourself that you are confident enough that you will be accepted to the particular college that you are applying to? Are you...

Effective Tips on How to Get into College

Sunday, November 27, 2011

To be honest with you guys, there is actually no formula for you to assure you’re getting into college or be admitted in the college or university you dreamed. There is no prescribed curriculum, says Marlyn McGrath Lewis, the director of admissions for Harvard College. He says that the general idea for you to get into the college of your choice is to take the most demanding courses that your high school offers because this can help you easily get into college, assuming that you can do well in them....

How to Choose the Best Topic for a College Essay

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Just like most writers, it is really a dilemma at first before writing any article the topic that you will write about. It is also the same thing with your college application essays. The freshly grad high school students are certainly having hard time of choosing a topic for their college essay because it is one great factor for them to pass the college admission if they have a strong college essay. The college admission process is very tough. Some students can easily pass it especially if they...

Say NO to College Failures!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Failing is never really an option. It is a choice! As long as you believe that you have done your best, failures will surely not come. But what if you are being tested and you are placed on the dilemma of either to pass or to fail? What will you do? Just say NO to College Failures and here is what you must do. Failing is really avoidable if you will just work hard on your studies. You don’t need to be the class valedictorian in high school or an honor student in order for you to pass College. It...

College Tips for Passing a College Admission Test

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

When you first entered the room where you are going to take your college admission test, you have probably said to yourself that “this is it! This is the fulfillment of my dreams and ambitions.” Seeing those faces of the persons in the room makes you think that you have the same thing in mind, and that is the hope for you to pass the exam. Indeed, this is the make or break college admission test and you need to pass it if you wanted to attend in that college and take the college degree that you’ve...

A Winning College Experience: Going Through the Battle of Failures

Monday, November 21, 2011

There is a famous saying that states that you cannot taste the sweetness of success if you have not tasted the bitterness of failure. Indeed, you will not learn something new if you have not committed a mistake. But I am not saying that learning only come from mistakes; rather, mistakes always make you learn new things. Success always comes from failure and nobody can claim that he or she has never ever experienced any failure at all. Even when we were still in College, we have already experienced...

Common Questions Asked in a College Interview

When people are told that they are going to have an interview, their initial reaction is to get anxious as to what might be asked during the interview. Sometimes, this could even affect their personal views and opinion. An interview that most people could not escape is the college interview. You don’t have to underestimate the college interview for being just a requirement in the college admission because this is the first step that you must go through for you to be accepted in the college that...

Common Problems that College Students Face

Friday, November 18, 2011

It is being noticed that once high school students graduate and already step into College, they start to develop different kinds of problems and they have a hard time dealing with it. There is an increasing amount of attention being directed to the shift to an increased level of education being experienced by traditional-age and adult students. It is a movement that incorporates a great deal of stress and challenge. Even though there are those students who consider this shift of the level of education...

Common Causes of Stress In College

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Whether you like it or not, you cannot really avoid experiencing stress in College but on the top of it, at the end of the day, you should cope or surpass all the stressful situations that happen to you in school. Many students know how to deal with stress, but there are those who take it seriously and cannot handle it pretty well. There are a lot of causes of stress in College, and one of which is of course your “Academic Stress.” Your heavy workload is absolutely unbearable, especially when your...

Dare to Choose: Picking the Perfect College Major

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Every day, we are being bombarded with choices; choices on what to eat, what clothes to wear, what to say, where to go and what to do. However, after each mind-boggling task, some of us still end up getting frustrated and seem to regret the things we have done while some take things positively to cope up with our wrong decisions in life. Choosing a college degree is one of the major decisions in life that we cannot escape and we should not neglect. Once you choose a college degree, you should pursue...

A Fresh Start: Going Through Your Freshman Year

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Your College life wouldn’t be perfect if you have not undergone and surpassed your Freshman year. This article intends to gather some opinions on how their Freshman year was and what impact did it bring into their college life. This will guide the upcoming freshmen students on what to expect when the time comes that they already enter College. The first day of freshmen years mark the beginning of another chapter into a student’s life. This is the time when they gain new sets of friends, new line...

Do Study Habits Make Good Grades?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Ever since the world began, our perception of having good grades is through the result of working hard or studying hard rather. Do you really believe that a good study habit can make good grades? Of course, having a good study habit really pays, but a certain research study reveals that there are no relationship between the study habits of students and their academic performance. Have you noticed? There are some students who have no study habits at all but still, they are able to have, if not...