What Does a College Admission Counselor Do?
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Sometimes, we go to our college admission counselors for advices, but we do not really know the exact functions or responsibilities of these people. So this article will enlighten you on the real functions and responsibilities of the people we usually go to when we have problems in school.
What does a college admission counselor do? Basically, the college admission counselors actively participate or organize the recruitment activities and admissions functions of a particular college or university. They are the ones responsible for admitting incoming college students, plan admissions activities such as prospective student visitation days, representing their school during college fairs, and they are also in charge in recruiting students through phone calls, direct mail, and e-mail.
Aside from the administrative functions, college admission counselors also look forward to help the students in their need for advices for their application problems and concerns and even questions about financial aids. They also give advices to undergraduate students and transfer students on the admission process, financial aid and scholarship grants application procedures, and residence life application policies and procedures. If you will only try to look at it, admission counselors are mainly focusing on the convenience and comfort of the school’s possible clients. They are the ones promoting their college or university to different high schools and they are also in charge in screening all the college applicants for the specific school year.
Their role is not that easy. They are always there to aid their students when it regards their possibility to get into the college of their choice. A college admission counselor can definitely help you in many ways so don’t be hesitant to seek for his or her help when you are having problems with your college admission process.
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